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Operating cold rolled, hot rolled medium and high carbon steel 20#, 35#, 45#, 50#, 65#, 65MN, 75CR1, 9SISR, etc.
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Cold rolling pickling line process introduction

Release time: 2022-06-21 14:05:46

Cold-rolled pickling is a process of chemically removing iron oxide scale on the metal surface, usually using hydrochloric acid, so it is also called chemical pickling. This process is especially important for the metal industry. The following is a brief introduction to the cold rolling pickling line process.
Purpose: to remove scale (rust) on the surface of hot-rolled strip steel
During rolling, the iron oxide scale is pressed into the strip steel matrix, which affects the surface quality and processing performance of the cold-rolled sheet.
After the iron oxide scale is broken, it enters the emulsion system of cooling and lubrication, which damages the equipment and shortens the service life of the emulsion.
Damaged rolls.
Pickling Overview - Phosphorus Removal (Iron Oxide) Method
Mechanical phosphorus removal: grinding wheel grinding, bending phosphorus breaking, shot peening phosphorus breaking
Chemical phosphorus removal: acid phosphorus removal, acid-free phosphorus removal, alkaline washing phosphorus removal, electrolytic phosphorus removal
Combined mechanical-chemical phosphorus removal
Bending—pickling, shot peening and phosphorus breaking—pickling, straightening—pickling
Pickling types: hydrochloric acid pickling, sulfuric acid pickling, nitric acid pickling, phosphoric acid pickling, hydrofluoric acid pickling, mixed acid pickling
Pickling unit
According to the process of strip pickling, it can be divided into continuous horizontal pickling unit, continuous tower pickling unit and semi-continuous pickling unit.
The process characteristic of the continuous pickling unit is that after the coils are unrolled one by one, the head and tail of the steel coils are welded together and continuously pass through the pickling tank.
The push-pull pickling unit is pickling, each strip is bitten by the pinch roller once, without welding, pushes forward until it is coiled, and the strip passes through the pickling unit intermittently one by one.
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