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Selection of pickling unit

Release time: 2022-06-21 14:04:47

The selection of pickling unit should be determined according to specific conditions. When there are many types of strip steel produced by the unit, but the production capacity is not too large, it is recommended to choose the push-pull shallow groove turbulent pickling. The operation is simplified, and the annual output is expected to reach 500,000 to 600,000 tons when the weight of the hot-rolled strip is 15-30 tons. When the annual output of the unit is required to reach 1 to 2 million tons, then the best choice is the fully continuous horizontal pickling unit.

As for the tower-type continuous pickling unit, in the 1960s, many European and American companies built or renovated more than ten tower-type pickling unit production lines, but since the construction of high-efficiency horizontal pickling units has not been a problem since the 1970s Coupled with some major shortcomings of the tower pickling unit, the construction of this type of unit was very few later.

In short, the construction of the pickling unit should be determined according to specific conditions and specific economic accounting. In addition, as the country attaches great importance to environmental protection work, it must be considered to establish an acid mist purification system and a wastewater treatment system to achieve discharge standards. In addition, technically To have a certain advanced nature.
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