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Main technical features of push-pull shallow trough turbulent pickling unit

Release time: 2022-06-21 14:04:07

As the most widely used push-pull shallow trough turbulent pickling unit, in order to achieve excellent product quality, relatively low production cost, and friendly environmental protection, the unit is required to have a certain degree of technological advancement. Generally, it has the following characteristics: technical characteristics.

1. Shallow groove turbulent pickling technology: The acid is sprayed from the nozzles on both sides and the bottom of the acid tank. The running direction of the strip is opposite to the direction of the acid flow, so that eddy currents are formed on the upper and lower surfaces of the strip to speed up the acid circulation.

2 The pickling is controlled in four independent sections and separated by squeeze rollers: each section has a separate external heating system and acid circulation system, and the best pickling effect can be obtained by adjusting the temperature of each pickling section. Squeeze rolls separate adjacent acid tanks to achieve independence of each acid tank concentration.

3 Automatic control of acid concentration and temperature: automatic control by computer, so that the pickling effect is better and the cost is lower.

4. Configure the reverse washing tank: when the belt is blocked and needs to be reversed, a set of nozzles located between the first pair and the second pair of squeeze rollers washes the upper and lower surfaces of the strip to avoid pouring out the acid when reversing. .

5. Four-stage countercurrent channeling-stage rinsing system is adopted: use hot desalinated water for rinsing to obtain a good rinsing effect, and ensure the cleaning quality of the strip surface through the accurate control of the conductivity in the final rinsing section.

6 Smoke exhaust purification system: the acid-containing gas in the pickling process section is sent to the acid mist washing tower through the air duct for purification, and then extracted by the fan, and then discharged into the atmosphere through the chimney.

7 Using electrostatic oiler: precise control of oil film thickness and uniformity.
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