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Introduction of pickling line

Release time: 2022-06-21 14:01:44

The continuous galvanized steel wire production line is composed of pay-off device, pickling tank, galvanizing, wiping drying and wire take-up device. Since the surface of the steel wire is easily oxidized in the air, it is necessary to pickle the steel wire before galvanizing to remove the surface oxide layer and ensure the quality of the galvanized steel. Pickling usually uses hydrochloric acid, but hydrochloric acid is volatile. If the pickling tank is not tightly closed, the HCl gas in the acid solution will overflow, directly causing damage to the human respiratory tract and exposed skin surface; the acid mist will also accelerate the aging of the equipment and reduce the service life of the equipment. Therefore, the use of hydrochloric acid pickling for galvanizing production must minimize the generation of acid mist.
At present, domestic galvanizing production lines are closed with pickling areas. The sealing method of the pickling area is relatively simple. The pickling tank area is sealed and isolated with a brick-concrete workshop, and the acid mist volatilized from the top is exhausted, washed, neutralized and then discharged.
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